Animal Charities

Are There Foreign Imported Dogs at Your Local Animal Shelter?

I want to share with you an interesting article that just came through the "AKC Communicates." Written by Patti Strand, President NAIA titled "Animal Rights Legislators Push Window Dressing Laws Instead Of Tackling Real Dangers" the article discusses the absence of regulations on animal shelters, rescues organizations and weak US pet import laws but importantly, the dangers associated with these ineffective laws. We should all be mindful of this problem not just for our public health but also for our dog's well-being.

I Hate to Say I Told You So, But...

An investigative report exposes a well-known charity's corporate gluttony & frivolous spending. Plus, a charity watchdog group also reveals that this popular non-profit organization's program expenses are only 59%. What is a program expense? This is the percent of the charity’s total expenses really spent on the programs and services it promises to deliver. This is in direct contrast to what their market promotions advertise how they spend our hard earned money donations! Read more about this familiar charity!

Year-End Tidings

As a passionate, conscientious animal lover, but also a kind human being as well, I am angered and disgusted with animal abuse and neglect.

I too am deeply affected by the advertisements, however, I simply do not sit down and write out a check or go online and make a donation. There are far too many charities or non-profit organizations seeking even a tiny percentage of each of our donations. Some of these are scandalously run with blatant inefficiencies that ONLY are revealed if a smart donor investigates FIRST before giving money.