
My Musings on the Irish Wolfhound's Country of Origin Breed Standard Changes

The new Autumn 2017 Harp & Hound magazine published several North American fancier opinions concerning the changes made to the Standard of Excellence set forth by the Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland and the removal of the List of Points in Order of Merit. There were those in favor and others who were critical of the changes, especially the elimination of the List of Points in Order of Merit. A few advocated their positions by explaining that by giving the full particulars to various aspects of anatomy, these revisions would make it easier for novices and aspiring judges to interpret and understand the breed standard.

I disagree.....

Nostaglia for the Good Old Days

We often hear people say how different life or events were in yesteryear. Often we reflect on things or people that we miss, our nostalgic memories vivid as if it were just yesterday. I frequently find myself doing so as I reminisce about how our breed society once was and the stark contrast to what it is today. The consequences of such disparities are substantial being that today we now have the lowest standards of acceptability and accountability within our organization and society. The 2017 IWCA National Specialty recently provided several instances that aroused my sentimentalism........

Ancient Egyptian Dogs

As I have been an archeology buff for most of my life, my husband and I took a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Egypt. This incredible journey was astonishing, stupendous, glorious, transporting us back to the time of the ancients....However, on a related and exciting topic, many academic, longtime students of purebred dogs who have not had the opportunity to travel back in time to antiquity will marvel at the following photos. This statuette, possibly Greyhound, that I saw in the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, and the carving and color renderings of the ancient Saluki and Pharaoh Hounds in the Funerary Complex of Djoser at Saqqara are extraordinary......